Yongchao Li (Research Partner)

The first batch of Huashan Scholars Distinguished Professor of Xidian University, the winner of the New Century Excellent Talent Support Program of the Ministry of Education, and the key member of the national Key Laboratory of Integrated Business Network Theory and Key Technologies. Current senior member of the Chinese Institute of Electronics/Member of Industrial Engineering Branch, senior member of IEEE; a member of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, an undergraduate teaching review and evaluation expert of the Ministry of Education, a professional certification expert of engineering education of the Ministry of Education, and the frontier of information technology in the National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition Deputy leader of the invitational expert group, member of the school's undergraduate teaching steering committee, etc.

He has presided over more than 30 national and provincial key projects (national major science and technology projects, projects of science and Technology Commission, national key R&D plans, pre research projects, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Shanxi provincial natural science basic research key projects, doctoral program funds, mutual funds, etc.) and horizontal projects, published more than 100 academic papers (including more than 20 papers in SCI) and obtained more than 40 national authorized invention patents; won the IEEE ChinaCOM International Conference Best Paper Award in 2008 and approved in 2009 It was specially funded by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and won the first prize of Science and Technology of Shanxi Provincial Colleges and Universities in 2018.

Research Awards:

1. The First Prize of Science and Technology of Shaanxi Provincial Colleges and Universities, 2018

2. Xidian University's three-good and three-skilled tutoring team, 2017

3. Selected into the New Century Excellent Talent Support Program of the Ministry of Education, 2012

4. Special funding from China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2009

5. IEEE ChinaCOM Best Paper Award, 2008

Teaching Awards:

1. Famous teaching teacher of Xidian University, 2018

2. Second Prize of National Teaching Achievement, 2018

3. Shanxi Provincial Higher Education Teaching Achievement Special Award, 2018

4. National Bilingual Teaching Demonstration Course, 2007

5. Second Prize of Teaching Achievement in Shaanxi Province, 2005